Forming HOSA Chapters

Thank you for your interest in HOSA! Please review the following steps of the chapter affiliation process. If you have any questions, please contact your state advisor, Denise Abbott, at 801- 400-5600 or or you may contact National HOSA at 1-800-321-HOSA. If this is a new chapter, contact Utah HOSA and indicate your interest in affiliating a HOSA chapter. Utah HOSA will add you to the mailing list. If this is a new chapter at a school or college, be sure you have the proper authorization from administration to have a HOSA chapter.

For some additional information about HOSA, please read through the advisor manual found at

It’s as easy to have a HOSA chapter. If you came to a program that already has a HOSA chapter, your next steps will involve learning about the HOSA chapter from last year’s members. Most existing chapters have chapter officers, which is an excellent place to start. They should share with you the history of the HOSA chapter and their expectations for the coming year.

If you are starting a new HOSA chapter, you have a wonderful opportunity to create an exceptional student organization. The good news is you can lead the chapter in a direction that clearly supports the purpose of HOSA.

FIRST GET APPROVAL. Make sure you follow the rules of your institution and get the support of your administrators. This may include asking a professional colleague to serve as a co-sponsor of your HOSA chapter.

SECOND DEVELOP INTEREST. Tell your students about the purpose of HOSA and refer them to the National HOSA website for more information. Give them an assignment to surf the HOSA website and then suggest ideas for their HOSA chapter. Begin explaining the importance of a being a member of an organization such as HOSA. Most students today are very computer literate and will find this an easy assignment.

THIRD HAVE A START-UP PLAN. One option would be to have interested students choose a planning committee to put together the pieces such as electing or selecting officers and chapter activities (service, social, education).

FOURTH EMPOWER THE STUDENTS TO LEAD. Students need encouragement, guidance, and responsibility. If you let them know what they need to do, they will get it done. Your job is to give them a helping hand to get them started and guide them along the way.

FIFTH AFFILIATE. Collect dues and complete your online chapter affiliation. Your students are not HOSA members unless they pay their dues and are properly affiliated. The national dues are $10.00 per member and the state dues are $5.00 per member.

FINALLY GIVE THEM THE RULE BOOK. The best resource for organizing a HOSA chapter is the HOSA Handbook Section C, which can be found on the HOSA website at This is an excellent resource for everything HOSA members need to know to lead a HOSA chapter.

The website is:


  • Frequently Asked Questions – PDF
  • HOSA Benefits and Opportunities Flyer – PDF
  • HOSA Recruiting Presentation – PowerPoint
  • Membership Application and Introduction to HOSA Assignment – Word